Today’s kettlebell training is programmed as a circuit training consisting of 6 exercises that will activate all large muscle groups. To carry out the training, you will need one kettlebell, the weight of which you can adjust to your capabilities.
You perform the exercises so that you first do one round of all the exercises with the given rest phases, and after the whole round take a longer rest before starting the next round. Rest between exercises lasts 30 seconds, and between rounds 3 minutes.
Before the main part of the training, do a short warm-up through several dynamic stretching exercises to prepare the muscles, tendons, and joints for the activity in the main part of the training, thus reducing the potential risk of injury.
Kettlebell swing
The starting position is upright with the feet placed a little wider than shoulder width and with the toes pointed slightly outwards. The knees are slightly bent, the back is straight and tight, and the head is an extension of the body. The kettlebell is placed under your body so that your hands and the upper half of your forearms are at groin level.
From this position, swing the kettlebell backward and between the legs. From that point, the first phase of the swing begins, that is, the upward swing that starts from the hips. By pushing the hips forward and extending the legs, we move the kettlebell forward and up. The swing is performed up to chest or eye level, but never above that point.

Goblet squat
The starting position is upright with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed slightly outwards. Hold the kettlebell with both hands at chest level, and the elbows should be pointed inward so that the forearms are perpendicular to the ground. From a standing position, lower yourself into a squat by driving your hips back and down.
From the bottom squat position, return to the starting position. Make sure your back is straight the whole time and don’t let your knees escape inwards.

One arm shoulder press
The starting position is upright with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed slightly outwards. Hold the kettlebell in one hand so the palm faces the middle of the body, and the kettlebell hangs on the back of the hand. Make sure that your palm is in the extension of your arms, that is, that it does not bend backward under the weight of the kettlebell.
From this position, push up by extending your arm upwards. When the arm is fully extended, lower it in a controlled manner to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other hand.

One Leg Romanian Deadlift
In the starting position, hold the kettlebell in your right hand, and your body is upright with your feet hip-width apart and your toes slightly pointing outwards. From the starting position, lower yourself into a forward bend while maintaining a neutral, straight back position.
Simultaneously with the lowering of the upper part of the body into a forward bend, you raise the right leg in the air towards the back to the position in which the right leg and the back are parallel to the ground (balance position). Bend the standing leg, in this case, the left leg, slightly at the knee. You lower your right hand vertically towards the ground. Simultaneously moving your leg and upper body, return to the starting position with a kettlebell in your hand.
Since the one-legged Romanian deadlift requires a certain level of balance and stability, you can hold onto a chair or wall with your free hand to help maintain balance.

One-handed forward rowing
In the starting position, we lean on the bench with our left lower leg and left palm. The right foot rests on the ground with the full foot, and the kettlebell is held in the right hand, which is extended along the right side of the body. The back is in a neutral position and is parallel to the ground. From the starting position, we pull the kettlebell towards the chest to the height of the body.
Try to perform the movement as much as possible using the muscles of the back and shoulders, and pull as little as possible exclusively with the hand. The chest should be motionless throughout the movement, and the elbow should pass as close to the chest as possible. In the uppermost position, make a conscious contraction of the shoulder and back muscles, after which you slowly lower the kettlebell down.

High pulls
The starting position is upright with the feet shoulder-width apart and the toes pointed slightly outwards. We hold the kettlebell with both arms outstretched in front of the body. From the starting position, lower yourself into a squat, keeping your back in a neutral position. The arms are still extended, and you lower the kettlebell down.
From the squatting position, you rise to the starting position and continue to pull the kettlebell up with your hands to the level of your head. In the uppermost position, the kettlebell is at chest level and the elbows are pointing outwards. From the top position, you lower the kettlebell down and immediately continue the exercise by lowering into a squat for the next repetition.

Workouts like this in a short amount of time can lead to a big calorie burn, an increase in hormones like testosterone, and an overall better feeling.
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